Opening EQuIS Format File

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Opening EQuIS Format File

The first time EDP is launched, a format file must be selected before a data file can be loaded. Upon relaunching, EDP will remember the most recently opened format file and open it automatically.  This can be changed using the RecallLastUsedFormat setting in the Backstage > Options section. If this is set to "No", EDP will not automatically open a format file when EDP is loaded.


Open a Format File in Professional EDP

1.Open EDP by clicking the EDD (EDP) button EDP_Icon (located in the Import group on the Home tab) within Professional.  

2.Click on the Format button (located in the Open group on the Home tab). The default location for  formats is ~\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\Formats.

3.Select the format file and click Open.


Once a Format File has been selected and successfully opened, the path to the directory where the Format File was found is displayed in the lower-left corner of the EDP window.



By default, populated sections with errors usually have red text and sections without errors usually have green text, but the colors can be changed in the Options menu.

Download .zip Format Files – The reference value files (.rvf) can be downloaded via the Save As option and Reference Values (*.rvf) in the File Menu/backstage, where as blank EDD files and EDD description files can be downloaded by clicking on the corresponding EQuIS Description and Blank EDD icons in the Tools section.



Open a Format File in EDP Standalone

1.Open EDP Standalone with the EDP.exe file in the Professional install folder.  

2.Click on the Format button (located in the Open group on the Home tab).

3.Select the format file and click Open.

4.Select the appropriate reference value file if prompted. See the Loading Reference Values in Standalone EDP article for more information.


Tip: Consider placing client specific *.rvf files in a directory other than the format file directory. This will prompt the user to browse to the specific *.rvf file each time the format is opened.