File – Options

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File – Options





Working Folders


Click File > Options to access settings for the default facility, workspace attributes, and the default location for output folders.


Additional Information - Settings.xml: Most of the user-defined options used throughout the EQuIS Professional application are saved in a file called settings.xml. This file is typically located at:


To restore the default settings, simply delete the settings.xml file. A new file will automatically be created the next time any options are set.





Users can configure Professional to change font style and size or display its rows with alternating colors, which can make tables and reports much easier to read.




Confirm Before Exiting – when the Close button on the main EQuIS Professional window is clicked, a confirmation prompt appears before exiting the application.

Autosave New Connections – EQuIS Professional will automatically save new EQuIS connections to the Connection Location.

Remember Selected License – EQuIS Professional will attempt to check out the most recently used license when connecting to a facility.



Creating 3D Shapefiles is an option for exporting to an ESRI Shapefile format when commonly found Z coordinate fields are present in the Shapefile created.




Show Workspace Explorer: Sets whether the Workspace Explorer pane will be displayed or not.


Working Folders

EQuIS Professional frequently uses output folders (to save exported files, etc.). The Working Folders options allows for the default location to be set. The typical structure of the Working Folders is:


[path]\[User Default]\[Database]\[Current Facility]\


Current Facility: Within the My EQuIS Work folder, EQuIS Professional automatically creates a sub-folder for each database containing a sub-folder for each facility. The working folder can be changed for each facility by browsing to the desired location. For example, a network location can be designated for all work related to a particular facility. Setting the facility working folder to that location will allow all files to be easily saved in the specified file location.

Connection Location: The folder location where Save and Save As connections are saved, Autosave connections will be saved to this location when Autosave New Connection is enabled.

User Default: The top-level folder used for any of the files generated by EQuIS Professional. By default, this folder is located at: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My EQuIS Work. If the My EQuIS Work folder needs to be saved in a different location (e.g. a network drive), browse to the desired location.


Behind the scenes, EQuIS Professional uses Windows shortcuts (*.ink files) to manage the location of the My EQuIS Work folder and all of its sub-folders. When the User Default folder is changed, the Current Facility option will automatically reset as well, appending \[Database]\[Current Facility]\ to the new User Default. A shortcut will be created in Documents called "My EQuIS Work" that will link to the new User Default folder.


If just the Current Facility folder is changed, a shortcut will appear with the facility name in the following folder:


[path]\[User Default]\[Database]\

If any of these folders need to be manually directed to an alternate location (e.g. by distributing the appropriate shortcuts to a large group of users), the following appropriate shortcut can be created by following the steps below.


1.Open Windows Explorer.

2.Browse to Documents.

3.Right-click, point to New and select Shortcut.

4.Make sure the name of the shortcut is My EQuIS Work.

5.Have the shortcut point to the desired location (e.g. a network drive).


The next time Professional is started, it will recognize the shortcut and use the designated target folder as the My EQuIS Work folder. The same process can be performed for the Current Facility within the [User Default]\[Database]\ folder, adding a shortcut with the name of the Current Facility.