Saved Report Parameters

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Saved Report Parameters

Save Report Parameter Files

Update Existing Report Parameter Files

Load Saved Report Parameters



Report parameter files are external (*.xml) files stored locally for future use. User report parameters can be saved as a *.xml file and opened in any database. The top Report Toolbar provides easy access to existing local report parameter files, and options to load and save new files:




For user reports stored in the database, see User Reports.


Save Report Parameter Files


1.Select and input report parameters.

2.Click Save.

3.Enter the file name when prompted.

4.Review the directory location and change, if desired.

5.Click Save.


Once the report parameters are saved, the name will display, and the file will be available in the Parameter files... dropdown list for this report (see screenshot above). The list populates from the current Working Folder as defined in EQuIS Professional Options (default = .Documents\My EQuIS Work\[database]\facility_name]); parameter files saved elsewhere are not available from the drop-down menu.


If the user changes any parameter(s) in the currently loaded parameter file, that file name will be removed from display, since it is no longer representative of the selected parameters.


Update Existing Report Parameter Files


1.Select the report from the Parameter files drop-down menu. Alternatively, use the Load selections button (folder icon) to the left to open a file from a directory other than the current Working Folder for EQuIS Professional. Note the Load option is not currently linked to the Parameter files menu, so the field will clear when this option is used to open parameter files.

2.Note or copy the exact name.

3.Edit parameters as desired.

4.Manually enter the name of the existing report back in the Parameter files field.

5.Click Save.


Load Saved Report Parameters


To load saved report parameters, click 'Load selections from file' in the EQuIS Professional report interface.




Choose either "Input Parameters (*.xml)" or "Input Parameters in Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls)" (an Excel report export with a Parameters tab).




If the file was created for a different report, loading it will assign the selections of matched parameters and ignore other parameters.




Parse Error


Users may encounter an error message that begins with the following text:


System.ApplicationException ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Parse Error, no assembly associated with Xml Key NewDataSet


This error occurs when attempting to load a saved User Report or a report parameter file created in one report in a different report. This includes reports created in a crosstab or graph report, which should not be opened in the base report, as this action will trigger the error above.


To avoid this error, only use User Reports or report parameter files in the reports they were created in.